“Latino” refers to persons from Latin America (any country in the Americas that speaks a romance language, like Portuguese, French, or Spanish, as its primary language) living in the United States. Currently, the Latino community in the U.S. accounts for 16 percent of the population, making it a significant cultural and linguistic demographic. In order to help this community strengthen its identity, the .LATINO extension provides a virtual hub for Latino people, businesses, and organizations to connect and thrive.
.latino 註冊機構資訊
- TLD 型別:新通用頂級域名
- 註冊機構:Dish DBS Corporation
- .active
- .actor
- .airforce
- .arab
- .army
- .baby
- .beauty
- .bible
- .bio
- .black
- .buzz
- .ceo
- .church
- .club
- .community
- .contact
- .dad
- .date
- .dating
- .democrat
- .diet
- .exposed
- .express
- .faith
- .family
- .fan
- .fans
- .fashion
- .fit
- .fitness
- .gent
- .gop
- .group
- .hair
- .health
- .hiv
- .icu
- .irish
- .jetzt
- .kim
- .kiwi
- .kosher
- .lat
- .lds
- .lgbt
- .lifestyle
- .live
- .living
- .love
- .mba
- .mom
- .navy
- .nowruz
- .organic
- .pars
- .phd
- .ren
- .republican
- .scot
- .shia
- .soy
- .style
- .top
- .uno
- .vet
- .vip
- .vision
- .vote
- .voting
- .voto
- .wang
- .wedding
- .whoswho
- .时尚
- .дети
- .健康
- .рус
- .天主教
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